FSAR (docker) — Cucumber Collaboration

Rich Downie
2 min readDec 28, 2020

Ruby is known for its syntactic sugar. However, multiple ruby selenium-webdriver test files might still be a bit cryptic for non-technical people to understand how and what is covered in your FSAR framework. It is essential to make your tests as transparent as possible so that others can contribute to the FSAR framework.

I prefer to collaborate with others via the tried and true software collaboration tool, Cucumber.

FSAR cucumber feature scenarios are to be held as the single source of truth.

For example:

Feature: FSAR Authentication ScenariosScenario: Verify user sign in
Given I am on the fsar home page
When I sign in with a valid user
Then I should see successfully signed in on the page
Scenario: Verify user sign out
Given I am on the fsar home page
And I sign in with a valid user
When I sign out
Then I should see successfully signed out on the page

Pretty straight forward, right?

Developers: Implement the Sign In Form accessible from the FSAR home page.

Testers: Run the scenarios in multiple browsers and maybe add some one-off scenarios found in exploratory testing.

Product Owner: Monitors the status [passed, failed, pending] of the scenarios by checking a CI/CD build report, CukeHub, or by running the scenarios themselves from a CLI.

FSAR_Bot: Understands and executes the plain English scenarios in a matter of seconds on any machine.

To hear the rest of the FSAR (docker) Cucumber Collaboration story, simply run the below docker command:

$ docker run -p 3044:3000 --name fsar richdownie/fsar

and visit http://localhost:3044 in your favorite browser.

